Thursday, April 21, 2011

Addiction Series

This series of paintings was done for an exhibition some fellow illustrators and I did for the SALA Festival 2010. We decided to focus on the subject of ''Addiction". My approach was slightly different, more subtle. I decided to break Addiction up into 4 subheadings/topics: Decay, Isolation, Excess, and Secet. To fit in with exhibition themes I created these as still life and portrait artworks.

This one is Decay. I tried to convey decaying through dying flowers in a basket. A darker take on a subject matter that is usually more vibrant and beautiful.

This piece is Isolation. I decided to convey loneliness and isolation with a sole figure wearing a gas mask. Gas masks isolate the senses- sight, hearing, smell, and the figure's curled hands suggest a reluctance to touch too. This is a moody portrait meant to give the feeling of isolation often felt with one suffering addiction.

This is Excess. Shown in a still life with a wine glass which has overflown. It explores both the idea of excessiveness and a type of addiction in alcoholism.

The final one is Secret. Using mixed media in this portrait (pencil, oil paint, acrylic paint) I washed out, and to a degree, hid the face, making the image a little hard to make out. The image is secretive in its washed out effect and in being slightly unclear. A favourite of mine.

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